Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Invitations To Say Pay Your Own Drinks

music on the way to work

And if the rain gently on the town. With chucked umbrella and hurried step, I traverse the colorful garden. Even in the pitch dark, the bright yellow blossoms of the Chinese witch hazel not be ignored. You can rely on the annual circle. Conjuring miracles and confidence stiftend same time. Across from the bus stop screaming angry man in a sweat suit in the public pay phone - from cell no trace - and insulted several minutes someone at the other end of the line. Could be a client. This must be the early morning, not, that is the deeper shade pulled over their eyes. I will see do not now or hear.
The random groups the people. As a collection of bus passengers, for example, remain exactly the one stop there as a group before they diverge again and the random mix the cards. In the bus next to me playing a little boy, sitting on the knees of his mother, a shooting game on a Game Boy type . Eventually, he drives a motorcycle on a winding country road. In the game. In ten years he will sit down with a motorcycle in front of a tree. In real. Consecutive overlapping faces the profile view of a beautiful girl with long blond hair and eyes todtraurigen. A bank on make-up, a woman furtively with cosmetics and a mirror from the Handbag. The two black Männner that talking excitedly in a very foreign language, have beaten her coat collar high and tightly closed in on the bus, they retain their wool hats. Every second adult has a mobile phone in hand, has a button in the ear, types or looks, the sad girl. Outside it is pouring rain. The window glass dissolves, blurs the lights, the bus is absconding. Driver, where are you taking us?
Just in time pressed the stop signal. When getting the sad girl takes off towards psychiatry. Since I have now stands there. Professionally. But now I am a loose series in the group of secondary school students, overtake them and go up the street to the office, where I never met another employee on foot. Walking is even more remote than cycling. In the office, I turn up the PC, will abide by the coffee and put Yo La Tengo, while I read the e-mails. Merely the start of another working day.


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