Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kitchenaid Cranberry Artisan


As Vivian Maier 2009 at the age of 83 years died impoverished in a Chicago nursing home, left they have a treasure that got to see no one in their lifetime: Tens of thousands of black and white negatives which were taken mainly in the fifties and sixties in the streets of New York and Chicago. The daughter of European immigrants was a purely amateur photographer who worked mostly as a nanny and was her life as a loner. The History of the serendipitous discovery (but not yet assigned) of their legacy ("This is my life") in 2007, that is still alive, sounds like a fairy tale. Her work, which is not only an outstanding document of the times, but great art, street photography at its best, is to be reconstructed still. By contemporaneous article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung and in the PHOTO NEWS I have recently become aware of it. In Hamburg in the Hilaneh of cortical until 28 April 2011 issue "Vivian Maier: Twinkle, twinkle, little star ..." shown with 80 selected photographs. Mr. Kid take you! More photographs by Vivian Meier is on her work and life dedicated website seen.


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