At the Berlin Marathon, I had buddies in the direction of a displayed towards new personal best a nice job. So I was able to explore not only the atmosphere and ground with a view to Bestzeitenangriff in the future, but I also still be useful. Almost the project would still be wrong on the meeting point failed, but I had Hans-Jörg start documents with them (my plane landed just before 23h on Saturday). But a blessing in disguise made sure that we 30 min. before the departure, both as a last resort, the meeting place for after the race - Germany flag in front of the Reichstag - visited. A little hustle was then necessary, but we were ready to start on.
My job, Hans-Jörg was a sub-3: guide to 15th He started four years ago with running and soon landed at 3:29. But that it was not enough at some point. In the training could not stop it, to refer to the "Steffny-3 :15-Plan" for two weeks charged. Our goal was to complete the whole course in 4:30-36. Km 1 did the same a 4:30 on the clock and I guide him on through the sunny and raging Berlin. At the aid stations I filled his water bottle and ran after this and bananas in his hand. Hans-Jörg had only one job: working! And it worked excellent. I had my intermediate sprints and was busy over.
at km 10 I spoke to a runner with the name unknown to me. I was surely wrong here, New York, but has yet to come! My cover is busted? Am I Achim Achilles, Lothar Leder, Herbert Steffny or even Angela Merkel? And who the headless fellow in the photo above right?
It was a superb, Hans-Jörg see flying by on the last kilometers of well trained, tanned fellow travelers. All went right, Hans-Jörg "beamed" simple death-defying pass on the left side, gutierte my sayings ("victims, only victims, not prisoners") and enjoyed the cool water, which I told him while running from the bottle over the head poured . And in the end? 3:12! The second half just shake and a half slower than the first.
And of course he announced prior to the course when reaching "Sub 3:15" the end of his marathon ambitions. What was in his mail yesterday? 2:59.
Berlin is fast, very fast, that convinced me. Could be a place for about a severe 2:30 he to dream time. The only catch: the beautiful Radel months of July and August fell prey to the barrel. So it Chicago?
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