"Weery goodd, weery goodd!" Said Paul Tergat with his trademark grin from him. I had allowed myself to him and two of his associates vorbeizujoggen (average of 6 per km) when he eintrabte (7-series average) for the big race, and his "I am passing Paul Tergat," call out.
This whole "sub-elite" story was a great thing. Not only that I was allowed to warm surfaces unworthy me on the same strip of asphalt as Tergat, Baldini and Keflezighi (the latter stared myself forcefully , it could only "What makes the thickness here?" mean). No, it was just great to have to hang not four hours before the start on a cold meadow.
Even the bus ride with the "first losers" was an event for themselves. Andrew sat next to me in Michigan, which would have a field of 2:31 Chicago topped 05 you. A nice boy, convinced his girlfriend to Mitrennen because she lives in NY. No, he really was not a fan of such mass events.
latest, the second view was that the entire bus was one big freak show. Front right sat a runner whose neck I could've easily with one hand include (but do not want the whole thing looked appetizing not). If long-distance race, the lords of creation, not necessarily just makes nice, so that requires the ladies have a very "special" taste.
Precisely the runner began to tremble after some time. It looked like a mixture of freezing and Vorstartnervositaet. But when the front soon aufbrandete the discussion about how "women" is because now most draining, in view of the fact that the bus still take would for a while and the bus driver was reluctant to stop on the highway, it was clear what it was about the girl . Held before the towel should cover the inconvenience, a bag disposed of the same. I will spare details, the floor of the bus did not, unfortunately, to utter spared. Since there are the gentlemen, in this case my neighbor Andrew, much easier, if they have a bottle with him. After then also the second lady, began to sweat in front of me to skew heavily seated, we were all already experts. And I mean bag & go. Oh well, I knew that the thing for which was good.
On Startgelaende we were led into a small house, probably a bar Army or something, where we could make ourselves comfortable with bagel and Gatorade. went 20 minutes before the start it gruppo tutto in the field past the tip of it and we could feel us like rock stars, who are led along the crowded masses to stage. Our stage was the Verazzanos Bridge, from where there are had great view of the starting field. We "first loser" started on the left side and had it about 200m ahead of the elite field. This is similar to the 8 miles by two small extra loops, only the courses together really.
As the peak at Mile 1 was the guys I had already been obtained. On the bridge the road is separated by a waist-high concrete wall. It was of course to be allowed to stand an impressive sight from the barrel rockets. And the "left standing" you can take virtually verbatim.
Kuehl it was, but since almost no wind, from the feeling not as cold as the previous day. A sleeveless undershirt plus singlet and disposable gloves should be fine.
After the preparation was downright perfect to three weeks before the race, she won by a cold and Wadenverhaertung an unpleasant shock. But I just felt good on race day, so I wanted to try to attack Top100 least. This had served in recent years, about 2:41. In a 6-section (per mile) I started then on the way to Manhattan. And Lance Armstrong? After he had recently complained about shin splints and had a 3-hour pace team at his side, I lost no more thought to it.

left at Niketown the day before I have my shirt printed with my first name, which did so almost every participant. My colleagues from Luxembourg, with which I ran for a long and not let his name imprinted, I asked after a while his name.
"Claude. And as you say, I do not ask yes I had brought a few thousand fans;.)
18 was the 6 miles up the section, a feasible thing, but then simply no more. The transaction had Nasennebenhoehlen, but it was bearable and the calf remained well behaved. Only the legs were just after. So I dragged myself the next 6 miles in the high average over the slopes. Classic break-in. That something is then especially on the bumpy course toward Central Park and less great, one can imagine. In the last few kilometers I could let it down in fear for my calf then no longer work, which in view allegmeinen the situation but was not a real loss. The goal is then combined with the usual Gestakse "dizzy ness". But even here, the hard-working "sub-elite" helpers not far away, brought clothes and tea, so it soon went up again. "Carried away" we were finally in a luxury bus in which I nearly fell asleep. I was not sure if it was an emerging weakness rather not and kept me awake so desperately, I had that day but before two things: 1 McDonald's, 2 Dublin plane to catch.
And Lance of A? The tormented just under three hours to finish and gave notice of its preparation geschludert actually so or they are not taken seriously, as he had always believed. Originally, he had ambitions
have to sub 2:30, but now ... If he would train hard for it, then he could perhaps make it. But then he is indeed still twenty minutes behind the first.
revenge Lance? You're welcome.
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